1. Karuppu Kavuni / Black Kavuni Rice
It is commonly known by the name Emperor’s rice. It is also known as purple rice or Forbidden rice. The reason why this type of rice is called by royal terms is that, it enriches the health and ensures the longevity.
It is used to prepare varieties of desserts during ancient times. Earlier in those days, one has to get consent from the royals to consume it, as it is believed that it cures almost all the body related problems.
It is said that China was the first to use this type of rice. The black color pigmentation is due to the presence of anthocyanin in it, which is normally present in blueberries and blackberries. It has a nutty flavor.
Since they are very rich in phytonutrients, consuming it shields you from major risks of heart, intestinal problems, liver problems and much more.
Alternative Names: Forbidden rice| Karuppu Kavuni Arisi | Black Kavuni Rice
The duration required to yield: 175-190 days

Health Benefits:
- Black rice is highly rich in Fibre content
- This type of rice has highest level of antioxidants than any other type of rice variety. As we know antioxidants helps to fight the free radicals (Causes damages to the tissues and cells) which are released from the human body. It also reduces inflammation.
- Consuming black rice on regular basis, reduces the risk of Asthma
- It acts as a wonderful Detox for liver
- It also helps in prevention of diabetes.
- It absolutely reduces atherosclerosis – Consuming Black rice helps in removal of fatty materials which gets deposited in the inner walls of arteries. It also prevents the disease which arises due to this.
- It entirely controls the Hypertension
- It completely reduces cholesterol (LDL – Low-density Lipoprotein cholesterol, which is bad cholesterol)
- It helps in preventing Cancer
- It improves the digestive system
- It enhances the growth of hair and increases eye sight.

- Idly
- Dosa
- Puttu
- Plain rice for Meals
- Black rice Risotto
2. Mappilai Samba Rice:
It is one of most popular varieties of rice, grown in Tamil Nadu, India. This type of rice is well suited for organic farming. The best part is that, it doesn’t require any kinds of manure and fertilizers. It is rich in medicinal value. Typically the rice is red in color. The name Mappillai was given to this type of rice after a famous tradition, where a bridegroom (Mappillai in Tamil) is asked to lift a heavy rock just to express his valiance. In order to gain energy for doing this action, the bridegroom is given the cooked rice to strengthen his energy. Even today, this tradition is being followed in many parts of Tamil Nadu.
Alternative Names: Bridegroom rice | Mappillai Samba Rice
The duration required to yield:155-160 days

Why Black Rice is called as Forbidden Rice
Black rice has been a popular rice in China. It is also called as Forbidden rice/ emperor rice as it was given as a tribute food to Emperor. Black rice is rich in antioxidants it improves health and longevity and was forbidden to common people. The color in black rice is known to be due to anthocyanin pigments
Health Benefits:
- Mappillai Samba is rich in Iron and Zinc. It induces the production of Hemoglobin and Myoglobin. These two are oxygen binding proteins that help to deliver oxygen to tissues and muscles; thereby your body stays energetic. Since it contains pro-anthocyanin, it controls high blood sugar level (Hyperglycaemia) and reduces cholesterol. Apart from Iron and Zinc, it contains manganese, phosphorus, molybdenum, magnesium. Yet, it doesn’t possess sodium and calcium.
- It is high in fibre which helps in easy digestion. Hence it lowers the heart risks, obesity related problems and helps in a healthy digestive system.
- It helps the persons who are suffering from celiac disease to completely recover from it. Since rice is glutton/wheat free, it is highly recommended for these types of hereditary problems.
- It increases haemoglobin content in the blood
- It has numerous Micronutrients and hence consuming it gives enough vital nutrients required to strengthen the body. Vitamin B1 is abundantly present in this type of rice which helps in preventing stomach problems and ulcers.
- This rice when consumed, avoids mixing of glucose in the blood stream when compared to the consumption of other rice varieties. Thus, it is best suited for diabetic patients. Since it enhances energy level and induces growth, it is commonly given to kids.
- It improves the sexual activities. Consuming it helps men to last long in bed.
- It helps in nourishing vein, muscles, nerves and blood.
- Excessive cholesterol in the body may block the blood circulation which eventually leads to heart attack. Consuming it helps in lowering the Cholesterol level in your body.
- It contains 3 grams of dietary fibre, approximately 48 grams of Carbohydrates and 8% protein in every 50 grams served
- Dosa
- Pancakes
- Plain rice
- Idly
- Upma
- Pongal
This type of rice has more iron, magnesium and zinc compared to other colored grains. It has got a nutty flavor.
The color of the rice is slightly reddish and the reason for that is the presence of anthocyanin in it. As we know antioxidants helps to fight the free radicals (Causes damages to the tissues and cells) which are released from the human body.
As the name indicates these rice are hand pounded and doesn’t involve any machines in it.
Since we have completely ceased consuming traditional foods, normal human body absorbs all hazards and we become ill easily.
Now it is time to come back to the traditional rice intake which helps our entire race to flourish.
Alternative Names: Poongar rice – Poongar Arisi | Organic Poongar Rice
The duration required to yield:110-120 days

Health Benefits:
- Apart from Iron and Zinc, it contains manganese, phosphorus, molybdenum, magnesium
- It is wonderful cure for Women’s Hormonal problems. It Enhances stamina and boosts the immune system
- It is highly recommended for pregnant women and lactating mothers, as it provides strength to the body. It is normally given to them in the form of Kanji (Porridge)Vitamin B1 is abundantly present in this type of rice which helps in preventing stomach problems and ulcers.
- It increases hemoglobin content in the blood
- When consumed as Pazhaya Soru/Neeragaram (locally termed as Ice Briyani), we would get enough nutrients and vitamin B complex.
- It provides strength to the body and controls/prevents from paralysis
- It has numerous micronutrients and hence consuming it gives enough vital nutrients required to strengthen the body
- It helps the persons who are suffering from celiac disease to completely recover from it. Since rice is glutton/wheat free, it is highly recommended for these types of hereditary problems.
- It contains 3grams of dietary fiber, approximately 48 grams of Carbohydrates and 8% protein in every 50grams served.
- This rice when consumed, avoids mixing of glucose in the blood stream when compared to the consumption of other rice varieties. Thus, it is best suited for diabetic patients.It kicks out bad sweat developed in our body.
- Consuming this type of rice on a regular basis, baby will be hale and healthy when born.
- Excessive cholesterol in the body may block the blood circulation which eventually leads to heart attack. Consuming it helps in lowering the Cholesterol level in your body.It is high in fiber which helps in easy digestion.
- It also lowers the heart risks, obesity related problems and induces appetite.
- Soft Idlies
- Dosa
- Plain rice
Kattuyanam Rice is one of Popular Rice in Tamilnadu, India. Once Seeding process is done Farmers will go for harvest only. It doesn’t need manure or Fertilizers. Even elephant can hide inside crop cultivated area. Hieght of plant is that much.
Alternative Names: Kattuyanam, par-boiled Rice | Kattu Yanam Rice
The duration required to yield:125-130 days

Health Benefits:
- It is rich in calcium , minerals , vitamins, potassium and magnesium.
- Kattu Yanam is one of the red rice varieties.
- This unpolised rice improves heart health and decreases cholesterol
- This rice has a high fibre content which enhances digestion.
- It is Par-Boiled rice. It is also called as “the enemy of diabetes”.
- Dosai
- Kanchi
- Idly
- Rice Varieties like Briyani
5. Bamboo Rice / Moongil Rice:
It is one of most popular varieties of rice, grown in India Forest. This type of rice is well suited for Forest farming. The best part is that, it doesn’t require any kinds of manure and fertilizers. It is rich in medicinal value. Bamboo Rice taste like Wheat
Alternative Names: Mungil rice | Moongil Rice | Bamboo Rice
The duration required to yield:30 – 40 years

- It is considered to be a healthier option for diabetics, due to its Low Glycemic Index.
- It also strengthens and energises the body.
- Rich in Vitamin B6, Calcium, Potassium and Phosphorus content.
- It reduces and relieves joint pains and diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.
- It lowers cholesterol levels
- Slightly sweet in taste and generally cooked like any other rice.
- Before Cooking, Please soak this rice for at least 12 hours before cooking. If it is cooked in a pressure cooker, then leave for 6 to 8 whistles.
- Dosa
- Plain rice
- Idly
- Kichidi
- Payasam
The name Kichili was derived because of its natural fragrance like citrus fruit. It is always known by the name GEB 24 or Kichadi Samba. It is the mother DNA to all the popular IR varieties of rice.It is 135 – 140 days crop and shows a steady growth up to 3 feet. The rice is small in size and it is cultivated organically. This type of crop requires less fertilizer and mostly grown in Kancheepuram, Sirkazhi and Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu.There are a few variants in this type of rice. But some of them are prominent, which are Ahttur Kichili Samba, Arcot Kichili Samba and Ottu kichili Samba.This type of rice has a unique flavor which improves the taste of curries and sambar when consumed together.This type of rice has been consumed by the royal family in ancient days.
Alternate Names: Kichili Samba Rice | Attur Kichili Samba| Rice
The duration required to yield:140 days

- It is easily digestible
- Consuming this type of rice is highly suitable for diabetes patients, since it has relatively low Glycaemic Index value of 50
- It helps in Strengthening of body and muscles
- Makes skin look glossy
- It boosts the immune system and keeps us away from various diseases
- Plain rice
- Briyani
- Sweet kozhukattai (Steam rice dumplings)
- Suitable for preparing tiffin
As the name indicates in Tamil, Thuyamalli is Thuya (Pure) + Malli (Jasmine), pure jasmine. The reason why pure Jasmine was given to this type of rice is just because of its resemblance of the bud of Jasmine flower. Further this rice type doesn’t require much pesticide. It is one of the indigenous rice variety of TamilNadu.It is a pear colored and it is milled rice. Now is the trend is eating polished rice like Ponni. Having said that, there are people, who are still following our ancestor’s footsteps and consuming our traditional rice varieties. But, only certain types of food create the fondness, when tasted it once. Thuyamalli rice is one among them. It is seen to be grown in Kalapaganur village of Salem district. There’s a quote in Tamil “Unave Marunthu” which means “Food is Medicine” – Tamil ancestors were living a healthy life by in taking nutritious foods. Now is the golden time for us to return back to our healthy eating life style.
Alternative Names: Thooyamalli rice| Rice
The duration required to yield:130-140 days

- It not only strengthens the Nervous system, but keeps the entire nerves in the body to be active.
- It prevents diabetics completely
- It is pretty simple to cook and helps is easy digestion
- Helps the skin to be free from wrinkling and keeps it hale and healthy
- Eating this rice, helps us to be active both physically and mentally
- One of the best benefit is, it prevents the internal organs from quick ageing.
- Briyani
- Idly – Idlies made using this rice are really gorgeous. A proven fact. You could try confirming it
- Dosa
- Plain rice
- Lemon rice
- Tomato rice
- Tiffin items
8. Seeraga Samba Rice
Having TamilNadu as native, Seeraga Samba (Seera) is the most expensive rice grown. It has ovular grain and has a distinct taste with starch flavour.
The grain is much harder than the other types. On the contrary, it looks less fluffy and loose when cooked.
Alternative Names: Jeera Samba |Samba Rice

- It helps in fighting cancer – Since this type of rice has selenium in it, consuming it prevents the occurrence of colon and intestinal cancer.
- It has higher Calorific value
- It is highly rich in fiber and anti-oxidants. This helps to eradicate free radicals from the intestinal tract and colon.
- It reduces and controls the cholesterol level – It means that this type of rice reduces bad cholesterol called LDL (Low-density Lipoprotein cholesterol) and increases good cholesterol called as HDL (High-density Lipoprotein cholesterol) in your body
- It acts as a shield to the heart and strengthens it.
- Since this type of rice has ample amount of phytonutrients in it, consuming it helps women to be free from breast cancer.
- It is easy to digest and helps to get rid of constipation
- Plain rice
- Briyani